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Jardim botânico | Places in Canadá

Top Rated Jardim botânico

Top Reviewed Jardim botânico


It’s beautiful when it gets dark, so dress warmly and enjoy the stroll and sights of The Festival of Lights. Tickets need to be bought in advance online; it quickly gets sold out. There’s free parking on site and plenty of food and drink options inside (prices are steep, though).
Its a fun place to visit. I would definitely grab a map right after you scan your ticket, they are located at the entrance. I went during the afternoon and my experience was good. I would definitely recommend going at night for the best experience. Definitely check out the maze!!
Went to the gardens during their light festival. It was a great night, easily spent a couple hours walking around. The lights were spectacular! I went in the middle of the week and it wasn't too crowded. They had a few places to eat along the walk, a few places for hot chocolate, mulled wine, cider.
at 2023 Dec 02
at 2023 Dec 02
The festival of lights is an incredible experience! Don't miss it! And buy your tickets in advance on the website.
From November 24 to January 7, go to the VanDusen Botanical Gardens and experience the name states... a festival of lights for all members of the family.
Be prepared to be in cold weather and maybe some rain so don't forget to check the forecast before you go. Strollers and Wheelchairs are OK. You can't bring food from outside as it is sold inside. Something warm halfway across is nice to take a break. Check the map so you know where you are when you are inside. It is a big place, and you can get lost or loose direction of where you want to go.
Festival of Lights is extraordinary event that happens every year. Start from mid November to first week of January. Beautiful decor of lights with various colors and cute designs. You walk through the lights in the garden, take memorable pictures and enjoy Hot cocoa. We loved the MINI Donuts as well. Hot & yummy! Must visit Festival of Lights.
Today, five of my friends and I went to Vandusen Festival of Lights in Vancouver. The price of our ticket was about 24 dollars per person (using the 15% Black Friday discount). The sound of music could be heard.

Firstly, the music was changed several times in the middle of a song, and secondly, the lights that were used were very ordinary.

For example, in my opinion, if instead of using so many green, blue, red, and pink lights that do not reach that space at all, if they used creamy white color, that space would be completely dreamy.

But with these lights, a large part of the environment looked like a kindergarten, and the parts where green light was used looked like mosques and religious places.

All in all, it was not a bad experience and it was worth going once, but really it was not worth 24 dollars at all and even half of this amount was too much for this festival that was prepared.

If I want to briefly mention the special points of that environment that might be useful for someone:

It had many washrooms, both indoors and outdoors.

There were two cafes before entering the open space, one of which served alcohol (but you couldn't take it out of the cafe and you had to eat it there).

There were food and drink stands along the way selling things like hot drinks and donuts.

Here are some videos and photos from tonight
Yury Botelho
at 2023 Oct 24
Yury Botelho
at 2023 Oct 24
Absolutamente deslumbrante. Já fomos em janeiro que não tinhas flores e amamos o local. Voltamos no outono e é ainda mais lindo, os jardins impecáveis, as paisagens magníficas, vale muito a visita.
a não perder!
dos melhores jardins particulares que já visitei noundo!
belíssimo cuidado.
diferentes tipos de jardim e flora.
Rosa Alves
at 2023 Aug 04
Rosa Alves
at 2023 Aug 04
Espaço grandioso com uma variedade imensa de flores e vegetação luxuriante. Muito bem cuidado com recantos de pura magia. Um deslumbramento.
O local rende muito boas fotos porque é lindo e colorido. Estranhei não ter nenhuma borboleta e insetos voadores. As plantas também não têm aroma, apenas as rosas exalam uma suave fragrância.
Um dos mais belos jardins do planeta. São 22 hectares de jardins temáticos lindos!!
Caminhar pelas passarelas admirando tantas e tão coloridas flores é um prazer imenso.
Os jardins são muito bem cuidados e o planejamento dos canteiros e da utilização de flores é fantástico.
Uma das atrações do jardim que eu não pude curtir mas que deve ser fantástica é a vista noturna. Um show de luzes torna o local mágico.
Além disso nos meses de verão existem shows de fogos de artifício.
Não é sem motivo que esta é a principal atração da Ilha Victoria e, talvez, da região de Vancouver.
Um passeio que não se pode perder!!
Um dos lugares mais lindos para se visitar em Victória, Vancouver Island. Jardins maravilhosos, com muitas flores de diversas espécies.
Los colores en este jardín te hacen sentir vivo, alegre, feliz. Tendrás al fondo el Biodôme, descansarás en sus bancas, hay mucho explorar.
Sensacional! Indo a Ilha de Vancouver, antes de conhecer Victoria, passe para conhecer o Jardins dê Butchart.
Lugar lindo, com cheiro fantástico e onde vai tirar lindas fotos.

Sensational! Heading to Vancouver Island, before visiting Victoria, stop by Butchart Gardens.
Beautiful place, with fantastic smell and where you will take beautiful pictures.
Lugar singular. Vários jardins, que apesar de não estarem totalmente floridos, apresentam uma beleza descomunal. Muito bom para caminhar tomando um café bem quente e em boa companhia. Para que gosta de bater fotos, não sairá sem pelo menos umas 500 fotos. Que for a Victoria tem que ir ao Butchart.