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Ambiorix Square
2019 Nov 19
Square Ambiorix is a public square and park in the Quartier des Squares district of Brussels. The park is well tended and has been design in the french style with a regular and rectangular shaped interspersed with paths laid out in geometric patterns over the well kept lawns, flower beds, fountains, sculptures and a playground.

The area is a well to do district and there are many fine buildings around the park, especially to the north and east. For Art Nouveau fans, there are mainly fine building built in this style including the Villa Germaine and Maison Saint-Cyr.

The park is away from the main tourist circuit in Brussels, but worth visiting if you have the time.
This sculpture honours a fictional character Madame Chapeau, from the Belgian comedy play, Bossemans et Coppenolle by Joris d’Hanswyck.

The sculpture depicts the elderly Madame Chapeau carrying a bag. The bag contains some vegetables and a rabbit that Madame Chapeau is planning on selling to get a ticket for a a football match (must be a famous scene from the play).

Probably works best if you're familiar with Belgian culture.